Wana Gedik | Melayu Cerita Lucah

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StimMelayu – Wana Gedik | Melayu Cerita Lucah ,Cerita Lucah ,Gambar Bogel, Awek Melayu Bogel, Gambar lucah, Video Lucah, Klip Lucah, 3gp Lucah, Buku Lucah, Novel Lucah, Awek Cun Comel, Selfie Bogel, Makcik Minah Tudung, Skodeng.

Senja tu.. hujan turun dengan lebatnya.. petir kilat sambung-menyambung.. tetiba handphone pisang aku berbunyi… “trutt.. truttttt..” aku ngan lagak ngerinya menyambar handphone aku tu, “hello”. “belacak… i ni.. wana..” satu suara lembut kuar kat earpiece aku tu, “hmmm wana.. kenapa pelan suara wana ni?” soal aku. suara wana ni dah memang jenis lembut, “belacak.. wana tinggal sorang ni.. wana takut lerr..”. larr minah ni, aku pun tinggal sorang gak.. tak takut pun.. “wana.. kenapa wana takut?”. wana dah cam nak nangis jeerr bila dia jawab “hujan lebat kat luar ni.. belacak datang la sini.. temankan wana.. plis..”. cisss.. dia buat dah.. “hujan lebat la kat sini wana” saja aku bagi alasan, memang lebat lagi pun. “alaaa belacak.. plis larr.. wana lonely pastu petir ni buat i takut.. issshhkk issshhhkk”. dah nangis pulak budak ni, ni buat aku cair ni.. “ok lerr wana.. gimme half an hour i’ll be there, ok?”. wana dgn excitednye jawab “ok belacak.. i tunggu u.. be careful ye sayang.. jalan licin tu,.. bye sayang”. ye la aku tau.. macam aku tak tau… dah 10 tahun aku bawak motor.. budak baru lahir pun tau.. bila hujan jalan basah.. lawakla minah ni..


hai!hmmmmm best nyeee.. kejap lagi belacak nak datang! wana pun apalagi terlonjak kegembiraan laaa. alaaa bukan takut sangat pun dgn hujan lebat ni saja nak berteman. lagipun sekarang ni hujan brrrr sejuk nye. kalau kena peluk masa ni kan best! hmmmm lagi best kalau dapat belaian manja dari tangan kasar belacak yg macho tu. terbayang-bayang wajah belacak yang hensem itu.. tu yang best sekali dgn kumis manisnye. aaahhhh seronoknye! wana tak sabar menanti kedatangan belacak. sambil menyanyi riang wana pun berlari ke bilik tidur nye.hmmm kemas sikit laaaa. belacak mesti terkejut tengok wana nanti.. hmmmm wana pun kemas laa bilik dia.. biar nampak cantik & kemas & selesa.. ye laaa kan tu tempat beradu.. tempat bermain tempat berasmara erotic!

wana nak buat belacak sampai tak lupa pada wana. ye la kata org tempat jatuh lagi dikenang, inikan pula tempat.. mesti belacak ingat sampai mati wana sudah terbayang akan kehangatan sentuhan belacak aaahhhh.. wana memejamkan matanya.. belacak cepat lah sampai! hmmmmmm wana tetiba rasa erect giler wana memandang dirinya di cermin. “alamak! comotnye aku.” ishkkk.. ni tak boleh jadi ni kena mandi dulu baru wangi segar rasa badan tentu belacak lagi sayang pada aku.” hmmmm bestnye lantas wana pun menanggalkan satu persatu bajunya di hadapan cermin itu. sambil itu wana mengerling ke arah cermin. memandang tubuhnye yang bertelanjang bulat tanpa seurat benang sekali pun hmmmmmm ishkkk.. nak mandi laaa ni nak belek-belek pulak! mana tahu belacak
intai dari luar heheeee okey laaaa I nak pergi mandi ni


aku capai fullface agv kaler purple metalic cikai aku tu, sarung baju ujan, suar hujan, pastu kunci pintu ghumah bujang aku. cehh! kunci motor aku tinggal kat dalam.. masuk balik amek kunci motor aku.. start jer motor vulcan 800 aku tu.. agak dah panas lebih kurang.. aku bergerak meninggalkan rumah aku, menuju rumah wana yg terletak di kawasan perumahan mewah pinggir kota. seperti yg aku janjikan.. aku sampai tepat pada waktunye.. aku tengok pintu dah terbuka luas.. isshhh wana ni.. berani pulak kau biarkan pintu ni terbukak.. aku pun parking motor aku.. bukak baju dgn suar ujan aku.. huuussshhh sejuknyerr!! kembang telur aku kena air ujan! aku masuk pelan2.. cewaahh… aku nampak kelopak bunga ditaburkan sepanjang perjalanan ke bilik kau.. aku rapatkan pintu.. kunci terus lerr.. kut pehal at least pintu kunci dah.. aku pun ikut ler kelopak bunga tu.. pintu bilik wana aku nampak renggang sikit.. aku cuit cikit jerr.. terkangkang besar pintu tu.. peehhhhh.. tu dia wana! silhouette wana, berdiri di tingkap dengan nightie nipis dan jarang dengan cahaya senja samar2… fuuhhh!! what a view! stim serta merta aku dibuatnyerr..


ahh dah abis mandi ni… urgghhh.. sejukkk.. bburrr… wana berkemban je ni… alamak rambut basah pulak. wana pun keringkan laaa rambut dia. hehee bukan guna hair dryer.. tak romantik la guna benda tu. guna towel jeee.. pas tu wana pun buat siput kat rambut dia dengan towel t adi…. alaaa yg macam julia rais dalam mira edora tu… hmmm perasan pulak. baju mana nak pakai ni? hmmmmm pakai jelaaa… ke tak nak pakai baju? heheeeeee… ishkk tak boleh nanti belacak mengganas… wana tahu belacak tu boleh ilang akal kalau nampak wana cam tu.. hmmm best nyeee bile teringat kan belacak ni… eh… bila belacak nak sampai ni? hmmm.. kalau lambat nanti mesti ilang mood wana. nanti dia kena pujuk laaaa… nak pujuk kena bagi wana sayang 69 kali… hmmmmm…


hhmmmm…. wana melepaskan pandangan keluar.. mungkin dia tak perasan aku masuk lagi kut… “cantik jugak shape wana ni dari belakang..” bisik hatiku.. “wana..” aku panggil lembut.. wana menoleh “sayang!” terjerit kecil terus meluru ke arah aku.. terlantun2 kopek wana tanpa dibaluti bra, dlm nighties seksi warna putih tu.. jelas kelihatan puting tegang wana yg menyucuk2 nighties.. tak koyak ke nighties tu nanti wana? hehehe.. *hugh* terus jer wana peluk aku.. wangi yg amat wana ni.. berape koyan minyak wangi dia sapu? err sapu ke mandi ngan minyak wangi ni tadi.. tak kisah camna pun.. “adusshh” jerit aku.. pelan je larr.. “kenapa belacak?” risau aku nampak muka wana. “puting wana tu tajam.. luka dada belacak.. hehehehe” menerangkan pasal apa aku jerit tadi. “sayang ni… nakal laa.. wana dah lama tunggu belacak.. wana tak sabar pastu bercampur pulak rasa stim kenalak time2 hujan ni.. tu yg keras puting ni.. hehehehe” jelas wana sambil mencuit manja lengan aku. tak kira apa alasan kau wana.. aku dah tau kau nak apa.. kau pun tau aku nak apa.. macam tak biasa.. hehehe.. “belacak.. kita mulakan macam biasa la yerr..” ujar wana sambil berjalan ke arah rak tv dlm bilik tu. “hehehe.. biasa larr..” aku gelak kecik jerr. wana pergi ke peti ais mini dlm bilik tu, dia keluarkan madu letak kat tepi katil.. aku pun apa lagi.. merapatkan diri ke arah wana.. aku peluk dia dari belakang..

gigit telinga dia.. “hhrrr.. hmmm..” giggle wana dibuatnye.. my tongue start exploring the neck, earlobe.. shoulder..my right hand is holding her else she gonna fall!.. tak ingat dunia dah budak wana ni!! Mata pun tinggal suku jerr.. left hand is helping me to loosen the nighties.. i prefer not to rush and leave the nighties intact.. while my tongue doing a good role of touching and give her a tongue-bath, my left hand getting further exploring the inside of the nighties.. cupping the right tits.. caress, massage, circling the nipple with index finger.. rock hard nipple! well..! the left tits starts feel a bit jealous.. i leave the right tits for the left one, i just want to be fair.. caress, massage, circling the nipple and this time it doesn’t take long to erect.. wana start mumbling.. i can’t understand what she’s trying tu say.. but nevertheless, i don’t really care coz i know she is enjoying the show.. take her to the bed.. lie her on the bed.. the time has come for me to suck the nipple.. she tastes good.. hmmm i have a hard-on.. pity him.. u need to be in there for the next few minute before i let u go. i cup the tits and squeeze it.. lick the nipple left then right, one after another.. “having a good time wana?” i ask.. she’s speechless! except still mumbling.. “uhhhh…. ahhhhh…” wonder why the honey is next to the bed?


the time has come, i start peeling off your nighties, from the shoulder down to toe, I glance the wetness on your thigh.. hhmmmm.. wonder how your pussy can produce such an amount of juice? i part your leg.. wow!! glistening creamy juice and the aroma really turn me on.. i grab the bottle of honey. one kind of special honey, for special kind of occassion and for special kind of girl. that’s mean now and you wana.. remove the cap.. pour the content bottom-up starts from your pubic hair down to the wet pussy.. i then get down to business.. down to the waiting pussy.. i lick the honey on your nicely trimmed pubic hair down to the pussy where the taste change to a mixture of sweet and salty as a result of the honey and your precum.. taste good.. smell great.. i suck the outer lips. pull a bit then bite the inner lips.. tickle your clit and soon the same tongue circle the hole.. puking the hole.. believe it or not.. i tongue-fuck u.. u try to grip my tongue.. fail.. i start to lick! From bottom of the pussy further up to the clit an the other way around… up and down until u start making a loud sound.. luckily no one home. you start to shiver, making a louder sound, put the legs up high hanging in the air, heavy breathing.. “please don’t stop belacak.. uuhhh aahhh” begging for help perhaps.. soon after that.. as I expect, u cum.. cum really hard! spurt after spurt.. and i suck all cream clean.. surely it taste good.. the sweet taste of honey in mix with your salty creamy juice.. soon, u loosing your body, lie down, and first sentence come out from your mouth after the last word about an hour ago, “you are great belacak” and just continue repeating that sentence until u fall asleep….. well wana i’m not done yet.. but no choice, i have to wait till u wake up..

while waiting for you to wake up,i am thinking of some that will cherish u as u wake up.. hmmm.. i went to the refrigerator, digging, looking for a bottle of fresh milk. found one, pour it into a cyrstal glass, made a tuna sandwich. well here is your meal.. serve on the bed.. one thing is missing.. i took a stalk of rose from the vase, put it in between your tits.. soon.. u wake up and rubbing your eyes.. “belacak… hmmm.. meal served on the bed.. how sweet.. how romantic.. and how could i ever forget u..”, u take a sip of the milk, bite the sandwich.. hmm u are really beautiful even u just woke up from your sleep.. u put the glass of milk and the sandwich on the side-table, crawling towards me.. “honey..” that’s all and we start kissing.. this is the game of the tongue.. and u are really a damn good kisser.. it doesn’t end there.. u get down to the neck then lick, suck and bite for whatever it worth for.. the air is getting hotter.. get further down to my chest.. while the business carry on, on the chest.. your pair of beautiful hands gently remove my pants.. took out my half-erect cock.. “hmm.. hi! i’m wahna” u introduce yourself to my cock.. at no time my cock is in your mouth.. u start sucking and make me really appreciate a good blowjob.. from the best blowjobber! hehehe.. hmmmm i feel great.. i am on full erection when u stop blowing and crawl on top of me.. trying to push my tool inside your cute cunt.. u r tight wana.. your cream dont really help on lubricating the inviting pussy.. anyway.. with some force that u apply.. i’m in.. u ride me gently… u put your hand on your head.. pulling your hair.. i dont want to waste your tits just like that, put my hand there and caress.. massage.. clamping the nipple with fingers..”uhhhhh aaahhh” your noise is greater that before… u start to ride very hard.. up and down.. your pussy is milking my cock inside.. hhmmmm what a great feels inside me!.. the kamasutra vcd really did a good job for you!

.. suddenly u stop.. and turn around showing your cute ass to me and start riding my cock again… this time it doesn’t last longer.. “i’m cumming!”.. u cum a lot and very hard, your cum come out from your pussy down to base of my cock.. u seems a bit tired wana.. but wait… i’m not done.. next we go doggie-style! this time, it’s my turn to ride u.. i put my cock nicely in your pussy and start riding in a slow rythm.. hmmm.. i accelerate to 60 rpm.. your completely lubricated pussy helps us from hurting ourself.. when the urge is coming.. i slow my pace.. but not for long, i’m back on the track.. u start screaming “fuck me harder.. fuck me harder!!”.. yes ma’am! i ride her faster but this time is different.. this time i fuck her like i am tearing her pussy off… “uhhhh… ahhhh…. wana.. i wanna cum!” i scream… “belacak…cum with me inside” your request, but too late.. i already decide, this time is outside… i sprayed my cum on her back.. spurt after spurt, one spur!

t even get to your hair.. you also cum very hard that u make the bed shaking… hhhhmmmm what a good fuck.. u surprized me with “belacak.. i want it more.. fuck me more please…” u r begging me.. “your wish is my command, ma’am!” answer me… and that night we spent our time fucking.. one after another.. one position to another… we fall asleep about 5 am… we fall asleep smiling.. what a great fuck..

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